What Are the Three Most Common Types of Civil Cases?

what are the three most common types of civil cases?

Civil litigation encompasses a wide array of legal disputes, but certain types are more prevalent due to their frequency in everyday life and business. The three most common types of civil litigation are personal injury claims, contract disputes, and property disputes. Each type involves distinct legal principles and procedures, but they share the common goal […]

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Factors To Consider Before You Settle Your Lawsuit

Factors To Consider Before You Settle Your Lawsuit

Settling a lawsuit is a significant decision that requires careful consideration of various factors. The decision to settle rather than proceed to trial involves evaluating legal, financial, emotional, and strategic elements to ensure the best possible outcome for all parties involved. Here are some key factors to consider before settling a lawsuit: 1. Strength of […]

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Breach of Contract: How a Lawyer Can Help With This Civil Litigation Case

Many lawsuits involve breach of contract.  Some contracts are well-written, and others are not.  In breach of contract cases, one party usually alleges that the other side has breached a specific provision in the contract.  Sometimes, a party refuses to pay an invoice because it alleges that the other side breached the contract by failing […]

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